"CLOSER, but not quite..." experimental talks

The  “CLOSER, but not quite" experimental talks are informal meetings with two main aims:

1) local networking among scholars who carry out research within the broadly defined field of behavioral/experimental social sciences;

2) discuss early-stage behavioral and experimental research in an informal, friendly, and relaxed environment, where everybody can present preliminary ideas/experimental designs and share any research issues s/he is facing.   

These meetings are open (yet not confined to) researchers who carry out (or are just curious about) behavioral and experimental research, very broadly defined, involving any kind of experiments, e.g., lab, lab-in-the-field, survey/experiments, conjoint, natural, etc.

These meetings are informal and will be held in a 1-every-2/3-weeks format, usually on Friday lunchtime @ ESt department.   

If you or your friends happen to be in the Savoy kingdom (by chance or choice) and might be interested in participating at any level, please let us know! 

Schedule 2023-2024

Fall 2023

Spring 2024